Monday, July 30, 2012

Art - Photography - Arts & Craft

 Attention YW!  Those that would like to do a 10 hour project to put in the Blackfoot Eastern Idaho State Fair, here is the information you will need.  Sister Allen will take you and your project to Blackfoot and help you get it entered.  It will so fun!! 
Entries will be taken on Friday, Aug 24th from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm and on Saturday, Aug 25th from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.  These dates are for photography, fine arts, arts and crafts.

Please follow these rules for Photography:
Amateur Division has no entry fee.  One mount may be entered by eacch exhibitor.  4X6 to 8X10 size pictures may be entered and may be mounted by any mounting device including phot corners if mounted securely.  Poster board is not an acceptable mount.  Several 4X6 pictures may be entered on one mount. Ribbons only will be given with no cash prizes.

Please follow these rules for Fine Arts:
Divisions V-V111 have a $2.00 entry fee
Division V - Grades 4-6
Divison V1 - Grades 7-8
Division V11 - Grades 9-10
Division V111 - Grades 11-12
Artwork done in classroom or workshop settings may be included.  All artwork must have been created in the last three years and never entered before in the Eastern Idaho State Fair.
Artwprl om upitj dovosopms ,au ise Velcro as the hanging device if the work is unframed and lighweight, otherwise a wire hanger anchored with crews mut be used.  No sawtooth hangers will be accepted.  If the hanger detaches from the artwork it will be removed from the display area.

Please follow these rules for Home Arts and Needlecraft:
Entry fee is $1.00 for the first 4 entries.
Only one article in a class will be accepted from any one person.
Every article entered must be entirely the work of the exhibitor except quilts.  Quilts made by 5 or less can entered under one name with credit given where appropriate.
Dollies or other articles of needlework should NOT be mounted on cardboard or other material.
Articles entered must be finished and completed
Pictures must be framed or mounted and suitable for hanging on pegboard.

Sunday YW Lessons for August

YW these are the lessons we will be doing in the month of August.
Remember to read them ahead of time so you can be part of the discussions in class.
Remember to go to the survey after chuch and answer the questions.

August 5th - What are the duties of the priesthood?
August 12 - What are the keys of the priesthood?
August 19 - How does the priesthood bless me?
August 26 - How do priesthood holders and women work together to build the kingdom of God?

Mutual - Tuesday, July 31st

I-HOP "Important Hour of Progress" Personal Progress Party.  We will have pancakes and buttermilk syrup!   We will meet tomorrow at 7:00 pm at Sister Cook's House.  She lives at 1800 Falcon Street.
Remember to  bring your personal progress books!!!
You have two days to work on some values to pass off, remember you need points to attend the Luau in August.  
Also, please try and decide what you would like what Value you would like to highlight for our Night of Excellence in November. 

Those YW going to Youth Conference - We will practice the Flash Mob Dance after our party.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mutual - Tuesday, July 24

Tonight at 7:00 pm we will making clay necklaces, so fun!  Be sure to come join us, see you then.

Sunday, July 29th, the Bishopric will be teaching YW's.  We will not be having a lesson from the internet.

We want to thank Sister Graham for setting up this fun Blog for the Ammon Third Ward YW!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sunday July 22, 2012 Lesson

Hey girls! Just an update on what the lesson is this weekend!!  We will be studying "Why studying the scriptures is so important" and Sister Graham is teaching!  Don't forget to go to  the password is  youth2012 .  Make sure you read the scriptures and come see us on Sunday!!