Monday, June 3, 2013

June Activities for Mutual

June Mutual Activities

June 4 - Stock Shelves at the Bishop's Storehouse:  Meet at the church at 6:30 pm and head to the Storehouse.

June 11 - YM/YW Combined Actvity:  Meet at the church at 7:00 pm to check your buckets, sleeping bags, and pillows.  We will need to make sure you have everything on your list, as we will be loading your gear to take to Martin's Cove. 

June 18 - Flags:  We will be making flags for our tent groups so that we have them at girl's camp.  We will also be using them to play "Capture the Flag"

June 25 - Parent's Meeting:  We will meet at 6:30 pm for a short Parent's meeting about girl's camp.  You will need to have one of your parent's there to sign a permission slip for camp and go over your list of things to bring and not bring. We will then go into our activity.

Young Women Lessons - Priesthood and Priesthood Keys - June 2013

June Young Women Lessons

Priesthood and Priesthood Keys

June 2nd - What is the Priesthood?

June 9th - How Does the Priesthood Bless Me?

June 16 - How Do I Honor and Uphold the Priesthood?

June 23 - What are the Duties of Priesthood Holders?

June 30 - YM/YW Combined Lesson with the Bishopric

"Remember the Journey" - Martin's Cove Fireside

"Remember the Journey"

A Jenny Philips Musical Fireside

presented by Youth & Adults from the Ammon Stake.

Sunday, June 9th at 7:00 pm at the Ammon Stake Center

This special fireside is in preparation for our Martin's Cove Youth Trek - June 13-15

Martin's Cove Check

Martin's Cove Check

June 11th at 7:00 pm meet at the chuch with your buckets, pillows, and sleeping bags. We will be checking to make sure that you have all the supplies you need for the trek.  Please have your sleeping bag and pillow in a plastice bag and marked with your name and ward.
Brother Ellis and Jennings will be picking up your things and loading them to take to Martin's Cove so have everything you need ready to go that night.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

If you have found your name, but need to find information about the person, go to the Mormom Pioneer Overland Travel Database.  The website is  This website information about companies who immigrated between 1847 and 1868, with indexes for over 350 different companies with lots of photos, diary entries, biographies, letters, etc.  Check out this great resource!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Stake First Aid Clinic - March 3rd

Stake First Aid Clinic - March 3rd

Meet at the church at 6:30 pm  - learning and passing off first aid for girls' camp

This is an important night, you can pass off a lot of your first aid for girl's camp.  Don't miss it!

March Young Women Lessons

March Young Women Lessons

March Lessons : The Atomement of Jesus Christ

March 3rd:  "What is the Atonement of Jesus Christ?" & "How can the Atonement help me during my trials?"
March 10th:  Ward Conference - The Stake YM/YW will be teaching our combined YM/YW lesson.
March 17th:  "What is grace?"
March 24th:  "Why do I need to forgive others?"
March 31st:  "What is the resurrection?"

Remember to go to the "Come Follow Me" website and read the lesson prior to Young Womens.